Sapphire - using the most advanced technology - Plasma Arc.
In Office teeth whitening using advanced technology - crystal for minimum side - effects.
Most advanced Digital device for root canal treatment enables us treating the most problematic teeth avoiding hazards.
The most advanced cordless light cure device in the world using recent LED technology to minimize curing time down to 1 to 3 seconds !!!
Electro surger - electronic scallpel for most delicate soft tissue surgeries
Piezo - advanced applience for hard tissue surgeries
We refrain from using amalgam fillings.
We use last generation adhesives to avoid post-operative over-sensitivity.
We use zircone crowns or all-ceramic.
We are performing the latest cosmetic procedures like Lumineers - The Pain-free Porcelain Veneers , As thin as contact- lense.
Dental X-Rays are digitally taken for minimal exposure (90% less) using combined latest technologies, enabling both the Doctor and his patients to watch the results on same screen.
We harnest techcnology to our advantages.